Genericode (Full-Version) 1-Yr. Subscription (V24) - by Framon

Regular price $695.00


The Total Code Retrieval System

More than just a code lookup program, here is what you get included with Genericode:

  1. General Code Program: lookup key information from a code number
  2. Utility / Vehicle / Motorcycle / Padlock Programs: lookup key information by manufacturer, model, and input codes or cuts
  3. Key Blank Search: Don’t know the manufacturer? Find out if you know the blank number.
  4. Depth & Space Program: Lookup depth & space information for virtually any lock in use today.
  5. Information Program: A directory of companies, both foreign and domestic, involved in the locksmith trade.
  6. Locksmith Ledger Index: Find articles by subject dating back to 1985.
  7. Progression Program: Displays a chart to progress keys when only partial cuts are known.
  8. History Feature: Allows you to save any key you lookup by customer name for future retrieval.
  9. Sidewinder Codes: Index of all high security automotive codes in our program
  10. Key Blank X-Ref: Key blank cross reference program including 24 different manufacturers
  11. Cycle by MMY: Look up key codes or blanks for motorcycles by make/model/year
  12. Cylinder Pinning Chart: If you need pinning for standard or removable core cylinders, enter change & master key information.

Information Screen

Genericode runs on Windows Vista and higher (through V14 Windows Xp is also supported).

When looking up a code number, the screen shown above gives you all of the information you need to cut the key. Information for cutting the key is given for the following machines: Framon #1, #2, DC-300, FRA-2001, LKP 3-D Pro, Xtreme, and Xtreme-S, A-1’s Pak-A-Punch, ITL, Ilco Exacta, Curtis Clipper, HPC 1200, 1200PCH, & Codemax. Genericode sends cutting information to the FRA-2001, LKP 3-D Pro, Xtreme, Xtreme-S, ITL 950 & 9000.

Key blank information is shown for the following manufacturers: A-1, Axxess, Bianchi, Borkey, CEA, Cole, Curtis, Dominion, ESP, EZ-Cut, HATA, Ilco, Ilco-X, Ilco EZ, Jet, JMA, KIS, Lotus, MrMinit, Original, Orion, Silco, Star, Taylor, Strattec.

Some code programs boast of their numbers of codes included, claiming over two million; Genericode contains over 800,000 codes for combination padlocks alone! Add to that over 200,000 codes for ten cut GM and over 100,000 for ten cut Ford; doesn’t two million seem a little light? Genericode contains well over 8,500 code series; ask others how many they have…

Genericode features US-based tech support. Yearly updates are available but never required.

In addition, Genericode ME is licensed to one location. This means you can install and use it on every computer, including truck laptops, that operate out of your location. An activation code is required for each computer.

Other companies are happy to sell you a code retrieval program, another program for progression charts, and another for missing cuts. Genericode gives you all of these programs at once, and you can run any of them out of the same window.

Genericode Me Search Screen

Users can print out the key data screen or a progression list. You can even add your company name to the top of the reports Genericode prints! A setup program allows you to enter your preferred key blank and code machine.

Send Cutting Information Directly To Laser Key Products Machines

Through out partnership with Laser Key Products, you can now run the 3-D Pro, Xtreme, and Xtreme-S directly from Genericode. Simply use the Application Setup section to tell Gcode which machine you use and it does the rest.