Lock re-keying kits and related supplies are available for locks of all shapes, sizes and brands. You can find lock re-keying supplies that are made specifically for working with the most popular lock brands. Yale, Sargent, Schlage and Lockwood are just some of the branded re-keying kits available to you. These are offered as universal kits, mini kits, high security pin kits and more.

You may be interested in universal lock re-keying kits, especially if you are accustomed to working with a variety of brands. The universal re keying kits vary in sizes as well as types. Even if you typically only work with one or two brands, you may wish to have a universal lock re-keying kit on-hand just in case you need it.

Re-keying tools are vital for every locksmith. Make sure you always have an ample number of shims by purchasing a bulk unit of 100. You also need cylinder rings and collars in a variety of finishes. Polished brass, aluminum, oil rubbed bronze and satin chrome are some of the most popular choices.

When pinning, every locksmith needs to have items like shim picks, ring pliers and tweezers. A universal pin tool is a great item to add to your pinning arsenal. Make sure you have these tools and backups for those that you find yourself using with the most frequency. You will always need a cylinder removal tool, plug holders, a caliper, a look pick and, of course, a locksmith's tool bag. When purchasing look picks, make sure to have an assortment of sizes.

Don't forget to keep replacement pins in stock at all times. It is a good idea to have pins that are made specifically for the locks you most frequently see. You should also have a wide assortment of universal pins that can be used in any situation. Refills for pins are available in the most common sizes of quantities of 150 each. Rather than ordering specific replacement sizes, you may find that a complete pin refill kit is for you. This universal kit comes with 124 packets of top and bottom pins.

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